Barbary Macaque
Class: Mammals
Order: Primates
Family: Cercopithecidae
Weight: adult males can weigh between 15–19 kg, females – 10–14 kg
Height: 55–75 cm
Body length: 55–75 cm
Coloration: Barbary macaques have fur that ranges from grayish-brown to yellowish-brown. The underside is lighter, sometimes almost white.
Age of sexual maturity: 4–5 years
Gestation period: approximately 5,5 months
Lifespan: about 20 years in the wild, up to 30 years in captivity
Range: North Africa (Morocco, Algeria), with a small population in Gibraltar
Diet: fruits, leaves, insects, small vertebrates
Did you know?
- Barbary macaques are the only primate species, aside from humans, living in Europe (Gibraltar).
- These macaques exhibit complex social behavior and form intricate social groups.
- Barbary macaques are known for their “babysitting”: males often care for infants, even if they are not their own.
- In some regions, the population of Barbary macaques is declining due to habitat loss and illegal wildlife trade.
- Barbary macaques can travel long distances, moving between different habitats in search of food.