Blue Monkey
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Cercopithecidae
Weight: 4.5 kg
Height: up to 70 cm
Body length: 50-65 cm
Color: General fur tone is bluish-gray with a black “cap” on the top of the head.
Age of sexual maturity: 3 years
Gestation period: 140 days
Lifespan: 20 to 30 years
Habitat: They inhabit Africa, specifically in Ethiopia, Zaire, Angola, and further south.
Diet: Fruits, seeds, buds, foliage, tree bark, insects, small mammals
Did you know?
- A newborn blue monkey mainly sleeps but begins actively exploring life as it grows. The females hold them by the tail to prevent them from wandering too far.
- Blue monkeys can move much faster through dense forests by jumping from branch to branch than a human running at full speed on the ground below.
- Blue monkeys are not only very intelligent but also friendly animals. This makes them popular not only in zoos but also as pets.