Silver fox
Class: Mammals
Order: Carnivores
Family: Canidae
Weight: Around 10 kg
Height: Around 40 cm
Body length: 72-95 cm
Coloration: Some foxes are covered entirely in thick black fur, with only the tip of the tail remaining white. There are also individuals with blue and brown shades of fur, having gray-ashy sides.
Age of sexual maturity: 9-11 months
Gestation period: 2 months
Lifespan: 10-12 years
Habitat: Canada, North America
Diet: Small rodents, hares, birds, insects
Did You Know?
- Foxes are cunning, skilled, and excellent hunters. They can track a target for several hours. Traits such as natural endurance, resourcefulness, and persistence rarely leave the silver fox hungry.
- Silver foxes have good night vision but cannot distinguish colors.
- Their homes are long burrows with many entrance tunnels. Foxes dig them themselves or occupy abandoned homes of other animals.
- Today, the majority of the silver fox population lives in captivity. In the wild, this unique and rare animal is almost impossible to encounter.